Cooperation and collaboration have been the hallmarks of successful societies for millennia. Incitare is a global, trans-national collaborative of people and institutions who share a curiosity about alternative futures and a determination to make a difference for the better.
In each of our Key Focus Areas, networked solutions emerge with the support of key partners, contributors, supporters and clients. In workshops, roundtables and conferences, we have appreciated contributors from governmental and inter-governmental organisations including UN Organisations and Specialised Agencies, businesses and professional associations, non governmental and civil society organisations. Prominent among these have been
On futures,, The Geneva Graduate Institute, the Geneva Think Tank Hub and the Higher School of Management of the Univertsity of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, the School of Internatoinal Futures, UNESCO, UNHCR, OHCHR, IOM, World Vision International, Terre des Hommes International, SWISSAID, FarmStrong Foundation, Action Against Hunger, Lutheran World Federation, ACT Alliance
On partnering,
The Partnership Brokers Association, the Centre for Socio-EcoNomic Development (CSEND) and ImpactBridges Group, Institute for Corporate Responsibility of the George Washington University, WDScott GLOBAL, Relational Thinking Network (including Relatoinal Peacebuilding) and GluoNNet
On accountability,
The SDG Transformations Forum (Working Group on Transformations Evaluation), the UN Global Compact, Relational Analytics and Accountable Now
Inclusion and participation are well established principles in global development and humanitarian activities local to global – in communites as much as in the corridors of power – but at all levels, best intentions are easily be overwhelmed by structural and systemic injustice, requiring both a deeper understanding and a deeper commitment to better partnering principles if more than business as usual is what we have in mind. There is little debate about the importance of multi-disciplinary, multi-sector and multi-stakeholder partnerships, but here too, power differentials can result in killer compromises and organisational realities reinforce silo thinking.